Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catching Up and Casting On

Sugar is one of the food groups.
It must be, because I nearly died when I went without it.
I am joking.
Kind of.
I think the lack of sunlight and bitter cold caught up with me and my self imposed sugar fast pushed me over the edge into Seasonal Affected Disorder.
But never fear. During this week when I was not blogging, I was knitting.
I started a sweater and never stopped until I realized that I had messed up. The sweater might be bulletproof, it is so thick, and I do not have enough yarn to finish. The yarn is 5 years old, and the dyelot changed a few times since then! I am so proud of myself. I jumped in and learned alot.
Now it will be either a scarf or a bag.
Here I am modeling it.

And again.
I've noticed that most bloggers do not take pictures of themselves. I think that is odd. I love having my picture taken.

Here is my sleeve now. One of them.
And here is Paul Bunyan.

And you thought he was a tall tale.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pom Poms

Hi again folks,
sorry to be so long away. I have been busy cleaning off my bookshelves and selling the books on eBay.
I did teach the children how to make pom-poms, and they have had such fun doing it. Here is the video that I used. Even my 4 year-old could do it! I took the idea from Country Living magazine and made Valentines day colors and then hot glued them onto sticks for a fun loving "bouquet".
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An Experiment

Ok, so I started this blog to blog about sewing, crafting, and maybe a little (hopefully) fun step-by-step instruction for beginners. But because I don't get to sew as much as I would like yet, I add things about my life, my children, and toys.
Because toys are so neat.
But my experiment is stemming from an email that I recieved yesterday, telling me of the evils of sugar. Sugar (supposedly) causes changes in your DNA decreasing your lifespan, causing fatigue, anger, mood swings, acne, and weakens your heart.
In an effort to eliminate
1 acne
2 belly fat
3 fatigue
4 mood swings
(In that order. :))
I will abstain from sugar for 30 days and execrcise every day for at least 20 minutes and see if it helps at all.
I WILL ALLOW maple syrup, honey, date sugar (dehydrated ground dates), agave, or stevia.
Just NO turbinado, cane sugar, sucanat, (blessed Sucanat- I love you!)or... sugar! Duh.
Look folks, I've done those yeast killing diets where you eat nothing but vegetables and meat and a few select whole grains. I got down to -100 pounds and looked and felt like a consentration camp survivor. I have my doubts as to whether the benefits of it outweighed the damage it did to my thyroid. So this experiment seems very mild to me, and within the range of normal.
My motivation is that-I LOVE having lots of energy. I LOVE having a stable mental outlook (i.e. no mood swings), I LOVE having a clear complection, and I ADORE having a flat stomach.
Yes. I am slightly obsessed. So here is my before picture with my messy bookshelves in the background. Forgive me. It was the best lighting in the entire house, considering that we are under a blizzard watch.
So there is my game-plan for going sugar free for 30 days.
(I will keep you posted. Oh wait, that's what blogging is all about.)
Love and blessings,
The Sugar-Free Seamstress